5 Things You Should Know Before Getting Breast Augmentation Surgery
A change in breast size and shape during pregnancy is unavoidable where some may aspire to achieve breast asymmetry and some wants to improve self-confidence. Whatever the reason is for breast augmentation surgery, let’s find out the essential things we need to know about the breast augmentation surgery!
1. Expect to have no expectations
Do not expect your boobs to be as big as your friend whom have just went for breast augmentation. The plastic surgeon will give recommendations for your breast based on the measurements made from your body during consultation and the “ideal incision location” under the inframammary fold. These measurement may include your breast width, skin stretch and many others where the process is called tissue-based planning.
2. Breast Implants does not last forever
Since there is no set expiry date for any breast implant, it is not uncommon for women to have the same breast implants over the years. The general consensus is that breast implants last forever until a mishap happens, and only then will a women decide to remove or replace her implants. However, did you know that it is recommended to replace the implants every 10 years? Women who have had undergone breast augmentation surgery is recommended to get an MRI every three years to monitor and track the status of her breast. If there is any discomfort or changes in your body, contact your plastic surgeon immediately.
3. Take adequate leave off from work
As recovery takes time, it is advised to plan about four to twelve days off work from your surgery. Do not overestimate your body’s ability to heal. During this period, your body will be very sensitive, where doing something simple such as bending down could hurt. In a nutshell, your boobs will feel fragile like a glass. If you have small children, consider getting a babysitter or engage a friend in watching over them while you heal. After surgery, pain-relief medication will be given, and one should be prepared for mild to moderate pain as one heals. Having a good supply of movies, magazines, books or drama will distract you from the pain, and having a friend for companion would be a good choice. In this period, you may also experience bruises, numbing, swelling and tingling as your wound heals. If you happen to experience fever, flu-like symptoms, redness and excessive swelling, contact your plastic surgeon immediately. Monitor for any signs of infections.
4. Breastfeeding
Contrary to popular belief, breast augmentation will not affect a mother’s milk supply as long as there has been no damage to the milk ducts or nerves during surgery. This is because breast implants are usually placed under the breast muscle to keep the milk ducts intact. In some cases, women may find it difficult to breastfeed a child after a breast augmentation surgery. However, it is important to note that a woman can have a poor milk supply naturally, and it’s rarely the implants or the surgical procedure that hinders the supply of milk.
5. Put that wired bra away
After a augmentation surgical procedure , a patient should refrain from wearing any underwired or push-up bra with padding for the first six-weeks as wearing these bras could impair the healing of the wound.