All You Need to Know About Breast Augmentation Scars
Going through breast augmentation might be one of the most crucial decisions you need to make in your life. Part of undergoing breast augmentation is to end up with scars due to the process of inserting the breast implants into your breast pocket. Having scars can be permanent, but there are ways to reduce scarring and make it less visible. This can be discussed with your surgeon to see what is the best way to minimize the scar to achieve a comfortable and desirable look on your breasts.
Where are breast augmentation scars usually located?
The location of the breast augmentation scars depends on the incision site that you and your surgeon choose to perform the breast surgery on. The location of these scars are usually determined on how the incisions are made in order to insert the implants inside the breast pocket.
The most common incision technique is the inframammary incision in which two incisions are created underneath the breasts. This is why this technique is so popular for those patients who do not want their scars to be noticed because it can simply be hidden underneath a bra.
The other incision technique is called the peri-areolar incision where a semi-circular incision is made in the lower half of the areolas or the nipples. Since the incision is located through the nipples, the scarring for this technique is also not noticeable as the areolas are darker in color and the scars are well hidden and camouflaged in the areolas.
Trans-axillary incision is another technique in which the incision is placed in the underarm area. There will be no scarring for this technique around the breasts. However, this technique is considered to be more complicated and harder to perform as it requires more surgical skills when it comes to the placement of the implants.
What do the breast augmentation scars look like?
During the recovery period, always keep in mind that scars can last up to 18 months before it becomes fully healed and mended. It is normal to see your scars get worse in the middle of your recovery. There is no need to worry because they will heal soon.
Actually, most breast augmentation scars appear to be red or pink, it takes time before the scar heals and becomes less visible on their own. The rate on how the scars heals depends on factors such as the age, genetics, skin tone and amount of exposure under the sun.
What can you do to minimize scarring after surgery?
After surgery, ask your surgeon to provide you with the list of things you need to do to help you reduce and heal your scars. The things you need to do are:
- Avoid smoking for several weeks before and after the procedure.
- Stay out of the sun if possible. If you are unable to avoid the sun, remember to use sunscreen to protect your skin from the UV rays of the sun.
- Eat healthy food and drink plenty of water during your recovery period.
- Follow the physical activity guidelines given by the surgeon in the recovery period to avoid opening your wound and stretching the scar.
What are the scar treatment options available?
Developing more scars is also common after your surgery but if you want to get rid of your scars quickly, there are also scar treatment options you can consider. Before trying these treatments as alternatives, you should consult your surgeon first to know if your scars are already fully healed before applying any additional treatment. These treatments include:
- Taking supplements that are rich in vitamin E
- Applying topical vitamin E to healed incisions
- Topical cortisone cream
- Laser skin resurfacing
If you are with an experienced surgeon who knows everything about the scars that can be obtained in breast augmentation, it is guaranteed that your scars can be easily get rid of and will heal soon. So it is really important to choose a certified and qualified plastic surgeon who can help you throughout the procedure.